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    Deal Management Boosts Conversions and Increases Conversions

    Deal management is the process of evaluating, analyzing, and prioritizing deals, regardless of where they are in your sales pipeline. It’s the process of communicating with your team and collaborating throughout the sales process in order to improve the quality and conversion of your deals.

    The first step is creating a well-documented deal management process which is consistent with your sales strategy and clearly outlines the stages that each deal must progress through. This will help your team gain an accurate pipeline view and automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks that hinder productivity.

    Make sure that each deal is in a central place to track and analyze them. Freshworks makes the process easier by creating a feed of all information related to an opportunity. This view lets you add tasks and track the amount of time that you spent on deals. You can also use @mention to mention people.

    After setting clear expectations and timelines for each step of the deal process, create mutual action plans (MAPs) with your prospective customers and customers to ensure both parties are on the same page in terms of what is required to be done and when it has to be completed and by whom. This will lead to more predictable and efficient workflows, which will increase the chances of closing every deal.

    When a potential customer is in the point of converting, you don’t want them to lose focus or get distracted by other issues. Even your most inexperienced staff members will be able to take the lead with an organized, central handoff system.

    everything you should to know about deal management

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