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    Anabolic Steroids: What They Are, Uses, Side Effects & Risks

    Anabolic Steroids: What They Are, Uses, Side Effects & Risks

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    • The harshest criticism of this index was given by Nimni and Geiger (1957), Scow and Hagan (1957) and Hayes (1965).
    • In general, the long-term effects of performance-enhancing drugs haven’t been studied enough.
    • In small doses for short amounts of time, when their use is monitored by a doctor, anabolic steroids have lower risk of long-term or harmful side effects.
    • Ever since, recreational drug testing is being conducted in a growing number of countries.
    • Non-pharmaceutical water-based testosterone suspensions for injection are advertised on bodybuilding web sites and cheats in sport may find these attractive as, in theory, these should be relatively short acting.

    The pooled proportions for primary outcomes and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using a random-effect model, using the procedure for meta-analysis of single proportions “metaprop” from the library “meta”, provided in R software for statistical computing. A subgroup analysis was conducted for counterfeit AAS (proportions of adulterated, substituted and inert substances), substandard AAS (proportions of over-concentrated and under-concentrated substances) and based on geographical location. The detailed data extraction and data analysis plan have been published elsewhere [22]. Meta-regression analyses provided in R software were conducted to explore the association between studies’ publication year and outcome measures [30]. Over the years, it has become apparent that the endocrinology of skeletal muscle is highly complex, and there is a delicate balance between synthesis and breakdown during growth, health, disease and ageing, as considered by Sheffield-Moore and Urban (2004). Some of the structural modifications that have been introduced into the testosterone in an attempt to maximize the anabolic effect and minimize the androgenic are shown in Figure 2, and examples of anabolic steroids are given in Figure 3.

    Non-genomic pathways are important too, the best-characterized example being the allosteric modulation of GABAA receptor function by anabolic steroids, possibly through a putative binding site for anabolic steroids residing within the transmembrain domain of the receptor. Induction of aggression by anabolic steroids appears to overlap with neural circuits underlying the regulation of aggression by endogenous androgens, these being systems utilizing GABA, serotonin and arginine vasopressin. This mechanism of myotrophic–androgenic dissociation does not explain why other anabolic steroids that do not undergo 5α-reduction, for example, those with an extra double bond in the A-ring, such as chlorodehydromethyltestosterone and methandienone (Schanzer, 1996), have a favourable mytotrophic–androgenic index. Designer anabolic steroids are considered as ones anabolic steroids legal USA that are manufactured specifically to circumvent doping tests in human sport, and, therefore, for obvious reasons, they are supplied in a clandestine fashion.

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    Factors such as age, gender, body weight, and previous experience with anabolic compounds should be taken into consideration. Consulting with a healthcare professional or experienced fitness advisor is highly recommended to tailor the duration and dosage to your specific needs. AC provided methodological expertise on biochemical analysis of the samples. All authors contributed to refinement of the literature review and approved the final manuscript. Transdermal formulations are invariably testosterone based, legitimately designed for replacement therapy, and include the ‘patch’ and hydroalcoholic gels, to be applied on a daily basis. Other short-acting testosterone preparations include those that are designed to be administered by the sublingual or buccal route.

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    We further classified compounds according to the suggested classification of Neves [25], and Weber and colleagues [26] with adaptions into “original”, “substandard” and “counterfeit”. Counterfeit means that the active ingredient does not match the label, whereas substandard means that the active ingredient matches the label, but the concentration is not as labeled. We used a subclassification of “counterfeit” substances to comprise “adulterated”, “substituted” and “inert”; and “substandard” substances to comprise “over- and under- concentrated” (Table 3). Substitution means that different active ingredients than that indicated on the label are included, whereas adulteration refers to more, or not all active ingredients that are included as indicated on the label.

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